Applicant Number 申請人編號 C-101
Date of birth 出生日期 1984
Age 年齡 40
Nationality 國藉 INDONESIAN 印尼
Marital status 婚姻狀況 DIVORCED 離婚
Religion 宗教 MUSLIM 回教
Height 身高 155 cm
Weight 體重 68 kg
Chinese Horoscpoe 生肖
Name of Father 父親姓名 Age
Name of Mother 母親姓名 Age
Name of Husband 丈夫姓名 Age
No of Children 子女數目 1 Age 2
No of Brother 兄弟數目 4 Age
No of Sister 姐妹數目 3 Age
High School JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL College/University Subject
Other Training
能操英語/Spoken English 能操廣東語/Spoken Cantonese 能操華語/Spoken Mandarin
Employer Name 僱主名稱   Country 國家 HONGKONG
Duration 工作時間 2019 - 2020   Salary 薪金 HKD4520
No.of Adults 2    Age    No.of New born    Age
No.of Elderly    Age    No.of Children 1    Age 13 YEARS OLD
照顧嬰孩 Take care of Baby 照顧小孩 Take care of Children 照顧老人 Take care of Elderly
照顧傷殘 Take care of Disable 照顧狗隻 Take care of dog 能吃豬肉 Can eat pork
烹飪 Cooking     清潔 Cleaning 洗熨 Washing & Iron     花園 Gardening     抺車 Washing the Car
Employer Name 僱主名稱   Country 國家 MALAYSIA
Duration 工作時間 2016 - 2018   Salary 薪金
No.of Adults 3    Age    No.of New born    Age
No.of Elderly    Age    No.of Children 2    Age 3 AND 11 YEARS OLD
照顧嬰孩 Take care of Baby 照顧小孩 Take care of Children 照顧老人 Take care of Elderly
照顧傷殘 Take care of Disable 照顧狗隻 Take care of dog 能吃豬肉 Can eat pork
烹飪 Cooking     清潔 Cleaning 洗熨 Washing & Iron     花園 Gardening     抺車 Washing the Car
Employer Name 僱主名稱   Country 國家 QATAR
Duration 工作時間 2012 - 2014   Salary 薪金
No.of Adults 7    Age    No.of New born 1    Age NEW BORN
No.of Elderly    Age    No.of Children    Age
照顧嬰孩 Take care of Baby 照顧小孩 Take care of Children 照顧老人 Take care of Elderly
照顧傷殘 Take care of Disable 照顧狗隻 Take care of dog 能吃豬肉 Can eat pork
烹飪 Cooking     清潔 Cleaning 洗熨 Washing & Iron     花園 Gardening     抺車 Washing the Car
Employer Name 僱主名稱   Country 國家 DUBAI
Duration 工作時間 2009 - 2011   Salary 薪金
No.of Adults 2    Age    No.of New born    Age
No.of Elderly    Age    No.of Children    Age
照顧嬰孩 Take care of Baby 照顧小孩 Take care of Children 照顧老人 Take care of Elderly
照顧傷殘 Take care of Disable 照顧狗隻 Take care of dog 能吃豬肉 Can eat pork
烹飪 Cooking     清潔 Cleaning 洗熨 Washing & Iron     花園 Gardening     抺車 Washing the Car
Employer Name 僱主名稱   Country 國家 JORDAN
Duration 工作時間 2006 - 2008   Salary 薪金
No.of Adults 4    Age    No.of New born    Age
No.of Elderly    Age    No.of Children    Age
照顧嬰孩 Take care of Baby 照顧小孩 Take care of Children 照顧老人 Take care of Elderly
照顧傷殘 Take care of Disable 照顧狗隻 Take care of dog 能吃豬肉 Can eat pork
烹飪 Cooking     清潔 Cleaning 洗熨 Washing & Iron     花園 Gardening     抺車 Washing the Car
1. Baby Care (0-12 months) 照顧嬰兒
2. Changing the diaper 換尿片
3. Feeding the baby 餵嬰兒
4. Bath the baby 給嬰兒洗澡
5. Child Care (over 3 years) 照顧小童(3歲以上)
6. Playing with the children 和小童一起玩
7. Tutoring the children 教導小童
8. Special care for abnormal / retard special children 照顧傷健 / 特殊兒童
9. Elderly Care 照顧老人
10. Elderly Care (Disabled) 照顧傷健老人
11. Washing the clothes by hand 用手洗衣服
12. Cooking Chinese food 烹飪中國菜
13. Marketing 街市買菜
14. Caring the pets 照顧寵物
15. Gardening 園藝
1. Do you eat Chinese food? 你吃中國菜嗎?
2. Do you eat Western food? 你吃西餐嗎?
3. Do you smoke? 你抽煙嗎?
4. Do you drink alcohol? 你喝酒嗎 ?
5. Do you accept the salary instead of the rest day? 你是否接受以工資代替休息日嗎?
6. Do you accept your day off is NOT on Saturday or Sunday? 你是否接受你的休息日不在星期六/日?
7. Are you willing to follow the code of discipline drawn up by your agency? 你是否願意遵守你的代理制定的紀律守則?
8. Are you willing to perform multiple tasks in one time? 你是否願意一次執行多個任務?
9. Are you afraid of dog or any pets? 你害怕狗或者其他寵物嗎?
10. Are you willing to accept that the flexible arrangement of schedule of work? 你是否願意接受工作時間表的靈活安排?
11. Are you willing to bath in the evening? 你願意在晚上洗澡嗎?
12. Would you like to wash clothes by hand when needed? 你願意有需要時用手洗衣服嗎?
13. Are you willing to sleep late because of abundance of work? 你是否願意因工作繁忙而晚睡?
14. Are you willing to eat noodles and no rice at times? 你願意吃麵條,如當時沒有米飯嗎?
15. Are you willing to work w/out make up and avoid wearing sexy clothes at work? 你是否願意上班時間不化粧及不穿性感的衣服?
16. Are you willing wake up according to employer request? 你願意按照僱主的要求起床嗎?
17. Are you willing to work in a family of more than 5 people? 你願意在5人以上的家庭工作嗎?
18. Are you willing to bathe or change the diaper of the elderly? 你願意為老人洗澡或換的尿片嗎?
19. Are you willing to seek permission from employer before using the cellular phone? 在使用手機之前是否願意徵得僱主的同意?
20. Are you willing to be “Honest” at all times? 你是否願意所有時間均保持“誠實”?
21. Are you willing to cut your hair short? 你是否願意剪短頭髮?
22. Have you suffered from any serious illness before? 你以前患過嚴重的疾病嗎?
23. Do you suffer from any allergy, if so, what is it? 你是否患有過敏症?如果是,那是什麼?
24. Do you know how to drive ? 懂駕駛車輛嗎?
Dear Employer,  

I declare that all the written and given information are true and correct. I accept that I will be repatriate back to country of original at may own expenses. If I have ever given and untruthful information unlawfully.
Information in this content is provided by the helper, our company cannot guaranteed and assured to be accurate, and cannot be held responsible for any error or negligence derived therefrom.