1. |
Are you sure that the questions you answered are true and correct? We would like to remind you that if you provide false information, you may violate Hong Kong laws.: I only tell and write down the t 你是否肯定你所作答的題目都是真實無訛?在此提醒,如果提供虛假資料、將有可能會觸及香港法例。: I only tell and write down the true and correct base on my experience |
2. |
do you have any kind food you will not eat? if yes, what is it?: Im totally fitted on all foods to eat 你有沒有什麼食物是你不吃的? 如有,是什麼?: Im totally fitted on all foods to eat |
3. |
Do you smoke? : It is not good to Our health and mostly to the new born baby and children. 你抽煙嗎?: It is not good to Our health and mostly to the new born baby and children. |
4. |
Do you drink alcohol? : No because it is too much problem to the person who drinking. it it's bad to us mentally ang physically 你喝酒嗎 ?: No because it is too much problem to the person who drinking. it it's bad to us mentally ang physically |
5. |
Do you accept your day off is NOT on Saturday or Sunday? : It's up to my employer if she given me when my off day. 你是否接受你的休息日不在星期六/日?: It's up to my employer if she given me when my off day. |
6. |
Are you willing to follow the code of discipline drawn up by your agency? : Yes of course because the agency who's the one handling me and my papers is the one how given me care and protection 你是否願意遵守你的代理制定的紀律守則?: Yes of course because the agency who's the one handling me and my papers is the one how given me care and protection |
7. |
Are you afraid of dog or any pets? : I have also a dog on my house 你害怕狗或者其他寵物嗎?: I have also a dog on my house |
8. |
Are you willing to accept that the flexible arrangement of schedule of work?
: Yes that's why I can manage will organize all the possibilities. 你是否願意接受工作時間表的靈活安排?: Yes that's why I can manage will organize all the possibilities. |
9. |
Helper must take shower before go to sleep in Hong Kong. Are you accept?: Yes it is because for the cleanliness of our self and body.. 在香港,女傭睡覺前必須洗澡。你接受嗎?: Yes it is because for the cleanliness of our self and body.. |
10. |
Are you willing to wash the clothes by hand? : I do actually in my home I do hand washing it is more that good to clean the cloths than the washing machine 你願意用手洗衣服嗎?: I do actually in my home I do hand washing it is more that good to clean the cloths than the washing machine |
11. |
Are you willing to sleep late because of abundance of work? : Yes I do mostly if my work still not finishing I need to finish all my work before I go sleep that's why when I woke up in the morning onl 你是否願意因工作繁忙而晚睡?: Yes I do mostly if my work still not finishing I need to finish all my work before I go sleep that's why when I woke up in the morning only few things I will do and I focus for child c |
12. |
Are you willing to eat noodles or bread if no rice at times? : I do I am also eaten that here in my place. I can eat rice or bread in a different times if no rice it's OK. Any kind of food it's OK to 你願意吃麵條/麵包,如當時沒有米飯嗎?: I do I am also eaten that here in my place. I can eat rice or bread in a different times if no rice it's OK. Any kind of food it's OK to me. |
13. |
Do you have any allergy, if yes, what is it? : I'm totally good condition in or out. 你是否患有過敏症?如果是,那是什麼?: I'm totally good condition in or out. |
14. |
Are you willing wake up according to employer request? : Yes I do it is employers needs and request must needed to follow 你願意按照僱主的要求起床嗎?: Yes I do it is employers needs and request must needed to follow |
15. |
Are you willing to work in a family of more than 5 people? : Like I said I'm working in Oman since 8 person I serve together with the kids 你願意在5人以上的家庭工作嗎?: Like I said I'm working in Oman since 8 person I serve together with the kids |
16. |
Are you willing to bathe or change the diaper of the elderly? : If necessary I bath them and changing diaper 你願意為老人洗澡或換的尿片嗎?: If necessary I bath them and changing diaper |
17. |
Do you accept that you can not use cellphone during the working hours?: Yes I do because it is interrupting to helpers task and duties every single hours.. 在工作時間你不能使用手機,你接受嗎?: Yes I do because it is interrupting to helpers task and duties every single hours.. |
18. |
Are you willing to cut your hair short? : Yes I do actually I have long hair lately but now I dicided to cut my hair to make it shortand I'm comport able and I like it I love it❤️❤️❤️ 你是否願意剪短頭髮?: Yes I do actually I have long hair lately but now I dicided to cut my hair to make it shortand I'm comport able and I like it I love it❤️❤️❤️ |
19. |
Are you willing to be “Honest” at all times? : Yes of course that's the That's the one I do always honest to my self to someone mostly to my employer that's the way my employer can trusted me most. 你是否願意所有時間均保持“誠實”?: Yes of course that's the That's the one I do always honest to my self to someone mostly to my employer that's the way my employer can trusted me most. |
20. |
Are you willing to work w/out make up and avoid wearing sexy clothes at work? : Yes because I'm working as house worker so much need to used a dicent cloths.. Like jeans, t shirt make up is not on m 你是否願意上班時間不化粧及不穿性感的衣服?: Yes because I'm working as house worker so much need to used a dicent cloths.. Like jeans, t shirt make up is not on my mind when I am at work.. Im not using a make up act |
21. |
Have you undergone any operation over last 12 months: I'm pretty good health and condition 過去12個月內你有沒有做過任何手術?: I'm pretty good health and condition |
22. |
Do you have any physical defect?: No nothing 你有身體上的缺陷嗎?: No nothing |
23. |
Do you have a mental illness record?: No don't have 你有沒有精神病紀錄?: No don't have |
24. |
Do you suffer any skin diseases ? if yes, what is it? : No nothing 你是否患有過任何皮膚病?如果是,那是什麼?: No nothing |
25. |
Do you have myopia/presbyopia? If yes, how many degree of your myopia/presbyopia?: No don't have 你有近視或老花嗎?如有,你的近視或老花度數是多少?: No don't have |
26. |
Do you have any tattoos? Please answer truthfully, as some employers may be concerned.: Don't have it is so seriously cause of skin infection if someone have tattoos. I don't like to put it on my ski 你有紋身嗎? 請如實作答、因為有些僱住介意的。: Don't have it is so seriously cause of skin infection if someone have tattoos. I don't like to put it on my skin I'm afraid what it is cause to my health and skin. |